Australia Study Pathway
Graphics & Words by Caitlin Chuah
Australia is one of the world’s top study destinations, so it’s no surprise that you are reading this article with an interest of pursuing your studies there. Here is how you can make your way into a college or university in Australia.
Applying to a pre-university programme
To be accepted into a pre-university programme in Australia, such as a foundation or Australia Year 12, you would need to apply with your year 11 qualifications. This includes: SPM, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, Year 11 or Senior Middle 2. Any other qualifications would have to be considered on a case-by-case basis by the university that you apply to.

Applying to an undergraduate programme
To be accepted into a degree programme in Australia, you would have to apply with your pre-university qualifications. Australia has its own pre-university programmes, such as the Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) or South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). These programmes, also called Australian Year 12, serve as a stepping stone into Australian universities and can be taken at colleges/universities in Australia, as well as in Malaysia. However, there are also other foundation courses that can be taken at certain Australian institutions.
You may also apply to an Australian degree programme with your STPM, foundation, A-Levels or any other equivalent qualification. However, it depends on the terms and conditions of the university you apply to whether or not your qualifications will be accepted.

English Language Proficiency
Before applying to study in Australia, you will need to prove that your English level proficiency is up to par with the standards required by the Australian university that you are applying to. You may need to take the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), both of which are tests to examine your English level. Only after you achieve the required IELTS/TOEFL score by the Australian university you are applying to, then may you be accepted into the institution.
For students who took IGCSE (O-Levels) or have a 1119 cert from SPM, you will be exempted from the English proficiency tests.

Post-Study Work Visa
One great reason to study in Australia is the opportunity to work there once you’ve completed your studies! Students have the option to apply for a post-study work visa, where they may look for a job and work in Australia anywhere between 2 to 4 years (depending on qualifications).
To learn more about why Australia is an excellent study destination, check out our article on Studying in Australia. To learn more about Australia’s leading universities, you may want to check out our article on The Group of 8 Australia.
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