
Study Journey with Yi Ern

Graphics and Words by Caitlin Chuah


My name is Ngo Yi Ern, I’m 24 this year. I have a Bachelor’s in Media and Communications and I studied at Coventry University, UK.

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Why did you choose Coventry University in the UK?

I knew I wanted to go to the UK, so I went to JM and they gave me a list of universities. Coventry, with the course they offered, was one of the better ones.

How was your experience in the UK?

My experience in the UK was amazing! I had a good time. I made a lot of good friends studying overseas. I feel like, in the UK, it’s easier to get along with people.

What is your favourite thing about the UK?

My favourite thing about the UK would be, honestly, the weather. When I first landed it was autumn. Seeing the leaves falling and all the different colours was amazing. Additionally, the weather was perfect, cold enough that you had to wear a jacket but not too cold that you had to bundle up. My first year there it snowed, which was really exciting as I’ve never seen snow before.

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What were some things that were different in the UK compared to Malaysia?

The people in the UK are definitely a lot friendlier. Here in Malaysia, people are not as open to talking to strangers as they are overseas, I can tell you that.

How did JM help you throughout the application process?

Honestly, they handled everything. I just had to show up and sign a couple of papers, tell them what I wanted and what I thought. They also helped me decide on a university. It was smooth-sailing throughout the process.

Would you recommend JM to others?

If you want to study overseas and you don’t know what to do, going through JM would be your best and most painless option. My younger sister also used JM to apply to her university in New Zealand. So, I would totally recommend using JM if you want to study abroad and you don’t know what to do.

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If you are interested in furthering your education, contact us for a seamless application process and transition to university life.

Check out our interview video with Yi Ern below!

Study Journey with Yi Ern

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