Tips On Choosing a University Course
Words and graphics by Caitlin Chuah
POV: You’re sitting alone in your room, laptop open, notes a mess. You are feeling immense pressure because all your friends have already applied for university but you don’t even know what course to study.
If you can relate, then this article is for you! Here, we will break down how to choose a university course in 6 simple steps. Read on to learn how to make one of the first big decisions of your life.
1. What are your interests?
Do you have any specific interests and skills? Do you want to be in the science or art stream? If you do not have any skills in particular, a good method is to think about what excites you. You can start by choosing a field that you are interested in, then list the courses that are linked to your interests, skills, goals and personality. From there, see which one matches the best.
For example, if you are interested in writing, you could look into copywriting, journalism or scriptwriting for film. If you like science and have a heart for animals, look into subjects like veterinary science or zoology.

2. Study destination
Do you want to study locally or abroad? Ask yourself these questions:
- Which country specialises in the subjects you are interested in?
- Which country would be best to live in for a few years?
- Which country would best fit your budget?
- Will there be any language barriers?
- Which country has the best facilities and quality of education?
Answering the above questions will narrow down the best study destinations for you. However, you might want to give yourself a reality check. Yes, you may want to study at the best universities in the best countries, but keep in mind that entry requirements and tuition fees play a big role in the decision-making process. Choose a destination that best suits your capabilities.

3. Career opportunities
Although the future is uncertain, you should be aware of the career opportunities from pursuing the course you have chosen. There is usually a list of career opportunities in the course outline on every university’s website. Take some time to visualize which job would best suit you and where you want to be in 5 years' time. Take into consideration employability and relevance of the job to ensure that it is a feasible option which you can earn a living on.

4. Do your research
Everything is accessible online, so make full use of it. However, if you need further guidance, a good tip is to consult your seniors for advice, or, look for education consultancy companies like us! Additionally, you should attend university open days and education fairs like our JM Education Fair. These events give you one-to-one consultations where you can inquire anything and everything about the university and course. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more virtual education fairs are being conducted, where you can attend from the comfort of your own home. Thus, all the more reason for you to attend!

5. Narrow down your options
Once you have an idea of what you want to study, pick the best 3 courses and compare them based on the following variables: job opportunities, tuition fees, living cost, entry requirements and your interest level. Create a list of pros and cons to determine which course is the right one for you. By now, you should have a clearer view of the direction you are headed in.

6. If you still can’t figure it out…
…then education counselling is the solution to your worries! We here at JM education specialise in education and career counselling, where we guide students and give them personalised advice on where and what to study, FOR FREE. We also offer services like tuition fee payment advice, visa application, accommodation arrangement and many more, you name it! Our student advisors will guide you throughout the entire university application process. Reach out to us if you need help. We are more than happy to extend a helping hand.

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